BrandAid (Healthcare Marketing)

BrandAid (Healthcare Marketing)

Listing Id: 316509

Company Name: BrandAid (Healthcare Marketing)

Office 1201, Smart Heights, TECOM, Dubai, United A

POBox: 0000
Telephone Number: +971 4 554 5839
Fax Number: +971 4 554 5839
Business Activity: advertising for healthcare, brand aid, brandaid, clinic branding, hospital branding, hospital market

Company Profile:

BrandAid is the first agency in the Middle East dedicated to healthcare branding and marketing, aiming to make medical practices more successful. With extensive hands-on experience in medical health brand development, BrandAid provides you with the right tools to make your company grow beyond your expectations! Today, with our tools and experience, we can impact a medical business at a much deeper level than anyone else in the market. Our vision is to become the most influential medical brand consultancy in the United Arab Emirates and retain only one brand per medical specialty. Our mission is to help medical centers become No. 1 in their field in the UAE. Whether they practice fertility, gynecology, dermatology, dentistry, urology, orthopedics, neurology, rheumatology, plastic surgery or any other specialization, putting them ahead of their competitors is our ultimate aim. Our approach and creative strategies are unique and non-traditional, which will change the way healthcare is communicated in the world.

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