Zulfiqar Motors FZCO

 Zulfiqar Motors FZCO

Listing Id: 322109

Company Name: Zulfiqar Motors FZCO

Showroom No. 48, Yard No. AZ01P424 & AZ01PP22A, P.

POBox: 294352
Telephone Number: +971 4 3205503
Fax Number: +971 4 3205503
E-mail: welcome@zulfiqaraa.com
Website: http://www.zulfiqar.ae/
Business Activity: Import and Export

Company Profile:

Zulfiqar Motors Co., Ltd is the leading Japanese used cars exporter. We provide all types of vehicles like Sedan, Hatchback, SUV, Station Wagon, Sports Car, Pickup, Mini Van/Wagon, Trucks, Buss. We believe in Good Quality, Low Prices (with lowest profit) and Quick Shipment. Our staff is highly qualified, well trained and give special attention towards quality. Zulfiqar Motors Co., Ltd is not only a name or a company. It is a desire and passion to serve and grow. Zulfiqar Motors Co., Ltd success story is carved by untiring hard work, dedication and adherence of its team members to its cause. Zulfiqar Motors Co., Ltd is the name which stands for its commitment, customer care, integrity, product knowledge, trouble free services and competitive prices. The great challenge of the 21st century is to provide good standards of living for 7 billion people. Zulfiqar Motors Co., Ltd has taken this challenge and has been successful in proving the desired used vehicles to its customers with best quality and price. In the year of 1992 when we started our business and took first step towards our desired destination, our mission was to provide the best quality, low price and reliability oriented used Japanese cars as per the demand of our customers. Satisfying our customers with our quick and best service was one of our missions too. As the strength of an employee is the strength of company, we also decided to strengthen the employees by given them the best atmosphere and facilities at work. We dedicated ourselves towards the total progressive approach. Now, after passing two decades in the Japanese used cars export industry, we can say that we have accomplished our mission more comprehensively than we imagined in the past. Now, Zulfiqar Motors Co.,Ltd is on the move with greater mission for greater destiny.

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