Gulf Tech Elevators L.L.C

Gulf Tech Elevators L.L.C

Listing Id: 320021

Company Name: Gulf Tech Elevators L.L.C

Golden Motor Building, Al-Khaleej, Road, Deira, ua

POBox: 80493
Telephone Number: +971557190092
Fax Number: 042508837
Business Activity: elevator, elevators, escalators, escalator, lift, lifts,

Company Profile:

Gulf Tech Elevators L.L.C Dubai, U.A.E Established as an offshore set up of Pakistan Elevator Engineers, Lahore, Pakistan; over a very short period of time Gulf Tech has assumed the role of our flagship office for operations in Africa, Gulf region as well as in Pakistan. We are pioneers of elevator industry in Pakistan and have a strong position in the industry. With twenty-five years’ professional experience to our credit, we have a long history of technological innovation and excellence through research and development. In recent years, we have extended our services overseas. Our valued clients in Pakistan and abroad have always been extremely satisfied with the quality of our work and our tradition of whole hearted customer care. Over two decades of quality services by Pakistan Elevator Engineers is our pride and best introduction. OUR PARENT COMPANY Pakistan Elevator Engineers is one of the most renowned elevator companies in Pakistan. We are a research and development oriented company with a proven track record of focus on state of art technology, innovation and setting trends in local industry. We have been in elevator industry for over two decades now and have a long history of meeting new challenges and learning through experience. Our consistent professional commitment has enabled us to establish and strengthen our position in the elevator industry; and to successfully accomplish our assignments in Pakistan and abroad.

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