Al Falasi Labour Supply

Al Falasi Labour Supply

Listing Id: 322432

Company Name: Al Falasi Labour Supply

Al Abraj street, Business bay, Dubai

POBox: 191168
Telephone Number: 0556772459
Fax Number: 04 4297058
Website: http://
Business Activity: Labour Supply Services, Manpower Supply Services.

Company Profile:

Al Falasi Labour Supply has been in business Human Rehouses Supply for the past 5 years. We have been an established and popular company with an excellent track record for the best customer satisfaction. We have never compromised on the quality and the services provided to the customer. We believe in keeping the customers happy and providing them with professional services. We can supply any type of human resources regardless of their job description, hierarchy level, qualification and skills. We would like to emphasize on that our company is not a recruitment intermediary agency as we recruit the people on our sponsorship and they will work under your management. However, we will be ready to help you in throughout any scenario according to your need. We look forward to establish a mutual business partnership with your highly esteemed entity through supplying you with any human resources you may require. Should you have any inquiry for human resources, please feel free to send us a summary of qualifications, contractual period, working hours and location, and if possible a brief of the job description. Salim Nissarali Business Development Executive Al Falasi Labour Supply alfalasilabourssupply(at)

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